Training and coaching for Estafeta drivers

Building an operating model with Safety as a priority requires a genuine commitment to the well-being and care of people

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In 2011 Estafeta joined the decade of road safety established by the United Nations Organization and with this it undertook its Institutional Road Safety Plan, which has among its main objectives to prevent, innovate, create, monitor and measure the road safety work that the company implements throughout the country in favor of a common goal: Eliminate traffic incidents and accidents. 

An essential part of the safety plan is constant training, so in June 2021 the Estafeta University Drivers School was born to professionalize their work. 

This important group of collaborators reinforces concepts such as honesty, responsibility, respect and safeguarding their own and others' integrity. 

The theoretical part of the training describes the operation of vehicle systems and components and their inspection, efficient driving techniques, principles of road education and culture, human development, laws and regulations, among others. 

To increase operators' driving skills, Estafeta acquired a driving simulator that subjects them to different scenarios according to the type of unit they operate in order to evaluate aspects that make it possible to identify areas of opportunity, address them, and achieve optimum driving levels. Thanks to the simulator, it is also possible to encourage drivers to drive with a focus on the optimal use of fuel, thereby reducing fuel consumption and, therefore, polluting emissions. 

Among the factors that are evaluated under different physical and mechanical conditions are: 

• Driving and driving habits 
• Education and road safety 
• Sharp and dangerous curves 

This training program has begun with 800 regional drivers in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, San Luis Potosí and Veracruz who drive on foreign and local routes. 

In figures: 
From June 2021 to April 2022, 15,391 hours of training have been completed. 

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