Every EnBio® is a step forward for our planet.


tons of CO2e offset


enBio® sold


hectares reforested

An intelligent decision

EnBio®, is Estafeta's program, with which our customers can participate in the care of Mexican forests and the mitigation of environmental impact with a small additional contribution to the cost of your shipment, these resources are allocated to the purchase of Carbon Bonus through a certified institution that is responsible for:


Creation of a carbon bonus program

Promotes the financing of climate change mitigation projects.


Forest care process

Manages reforestation processes.


Promotion of preservation projects

Coordinates rural communities in the care and conservation of forests.

Results obtained

Year Tons compensated
2022 8,208
2023 10,430
2024 --

How can I send my shipments with enBio®?

With enBio®, your shipment not only reaches its destination, but also contributes to the conservation of our planet.
Join us on this journey towards sustainability and make every shipment count!

Making your shipments enBio® with Estafeta is easy:


  • Visit your nearest Estafeta branch.
  • When you arrive, ask the counter advisor to convert your shipment to enBio®. It's a simple gesture, but with a big impact.
  • With every contribution to enBio®, you are investing in the purchase of carbon bonus.

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