More locations available to pick up your shipments

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What are Estafeta PUDOS?

Pick Up and Delivery Options or Estafeta PUDOS, is the network of establishments such as Convenience Stores, Point of Contact (stationery stores, dry cleaners, etc.) and Estafeta branches where our customers can receive and deposit their shipments.

Close to home, the office or school, you choose the one that best suits your time and lifestyle.

How can I choose Estafeta PUDOS?

You have more than 2,000 options to choose where to deposit your Estafeta shipments.

Online: You have the option to choose to pick up your purchases at one of our PUDOS.

At a branch: Arrange with your recipient to receive your shipment at a PUDOS.

Find a branch

How can I become part of the PUDOS network?

Turn your business into a PUDO, deliver and receive shipments from Estafeta and generate additional income by diversifying your business line.

We are looking for established businesses such as:





Stationery stores



Grocery stores



Hardware stores



Beauty salons





Advantages for your business



Diversify your income and earn additional profits.








Your business will be better known and have the opportunity to increase sales.








Receive commission for each shipment delivered.






Register your business here

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, your customers will have more than 2,000 options to choose where to receive their purchases.

We look for businesses located in neighborhoods, subdivisions, housing units or local shopping malls anywhere in the country.

It is very important that it has fiscal personality and capacity to issue invoices (Moral, Physical, RESICO, RIF, etc.).

Business hours from Monday to Friday and at least 8 hours a day, visible signage with the name of the business. Stable internet connection and mobile device with camera (Android or IOS).