Alerts and warnings


We remind you that we are migrating to Invoicing 4.0 and there are issues to consider when issuing your invoice. Find more information in the FAQ section.

Electronic invoicing

To obtain your invoice, enter the sales number located at the top of your purchase receipt.

Payment complement


Complemento de pago


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions or need further information, you can call 55 52708300 or 800 (3782338)

When you go to a branch you will be given a ticket with an assigned number. This is the information you need to access our self-billing tool.

The ticket number is at the top of the shipping receipt and consists of a 9-digit alphanumeric series.

  1. The Company Name must not include the Capital Regime for legal entities (e.g. S.A. de C.V.).
  2. Fill out the tax regime field according to your Tax Status Certificate.
  3. The zip code must match the one in your Tax Status Certificate.

After generating your invoice, you will receive an access link by email. Access this link and follow the instructions to download your invoice in PDF format.

Verify the correctness of the data entered and your internet connection. If the problem persists, please contact us.

You have until the last day of the current month to do so, once the month ends it is no longer possible.