Costumer Experience Awards, from the Mexican Teleservices Institute

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Estafeta received 2 silver and 2 bronze awards, the company was a finalist with the 4 projects presented. 

The Costumer Experience Award is organized every year by the Mexican Teleservices Institute. 

In the 2022 edition, 46 companies presented 155 projects that, thanks to the use of technology and leadership, contribute to the improvement of customer service. A jury of 62 experts in the customer service industry evaluated the cases. 

Estafeta participated in 4 categories, in which it qualified as a finalist and obtained the following awards: 

Two Silver Awards 

  • For the RPA indemnity project in the Best Use of CX Technology category. 

  • Best Executive at Management Level category for Genoveva Roa Pimentel, leader of Estafeta's Customer Service Center. 

Two Bronze Awards 

  • Estafeta Store, Online Sale of Services, category "Best Customer Experience CX strategy. 

  • And in the category "Best Omnichannel/Multichannel CX Strategy, Estafeta was recognized for the optimization of its omnichannel customer service platform, which in the last year added natural language skills to Estafeta Bot that can now interact more naturally with people of all ages and address specific customer requests at any point in the conversation. 

"Being finalists in all the categories in which we have participated lets us know that we are on the right track in the development of our customer contact tools. We want them to know that we listen to all their comments and permanently seek to resolve their requests faster and more efficiently," said María Griselda Hernández Fábregas, Estafeta's Director of Marketing and Customer Service.

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